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Dear Parent/Guardians,

The Years 11 and 12 students of Religion spent time during their class to create innovative and clever activities for World Hijab Day. Below are a few examples of the work from Years 11 and 12 students:

Fatima bint Muhammed Al- Fihriyya was the Muslim woman who was known for founding the first university, University of al-Qarawiyyin, which has the Guinness world record for oldest higher education institute. She was born approx. 800AD in Tunisia. Using the money she inherited from her father, her and her sister built the mosques which were later converted to mosques.

By Omar Eldib

The girl who always sits next to me always wears a hijab so fine…

She looks so much more elegant, than this uncovered head of mine… Why do I think so? because hijabs are like crowns…

So the girl next to me wears one, and if I did too, I will not need to frown.

So I started wearing one too… Say! How neat do I look!

Now that I am also wearing a crown, I notice people smile and look.

By Fatima Eldabdab


Muslim women wear the veil

It’s a hijab & it will prevail

The ones who refuse show betrayal

It is a sign of arrogance and neglect

But some show their lord respect

Don’t say that they are oppressed

For Allah they tend to fear and obey

so let’s celebrate World Hijab Day today

By Yasmine Abdou

Hijab is my crown shaped in a circle around my head like that of a full moon bringing light from the One who has commanded me to wear it to my face

Hijab is my crown shaped in a circle around my head like a merry-go-round rotating with a joyful force in places near and far illuminating its power a reflection of my soul and inner beauty

Hijab is my crown shaped in a circle around my head the way whirling dervishes move we're so high aspiring nearness to Allah Masha'Allah, our act of wearing hijab daily deserving of much respect and Insha Allah The Seventh Heaven

Hijab is my crown shaped in a circle around my head like a spinning wheel many made in different colors and in different textures each brightening the world and when wearing it like Khadijah (AS), Fatimah (AS), and Aisha (RA) attracts attention of the best kind

Hijab is my crown shaped in a circle around my head like Big Ben I'm so high dignified a visible ambassador of Islam saying no to immodesty and saying yes to our Majesty

Hijab is my crown shaped in a circle around my head like a halo starting my day with Bismillah and looking into the mirror to carefully donn it I remember I'm doing this to help men married and unmarried from sinning and to protect myself from impurity and immoral acts as Hijab is my crown for me a Queen

Chosen by Jana Zeidan, Written by Najwa Kareem,


H Is For Happiness

I Is For Independence

J Is For Justice

A Is For Acceptance

B Is For Beautiful

By Manar Osman

HIJAB (By Pari Tawfi)

People say oppression but I say NO!

They make assumptions without any facts

My hijab is my love

making me different

One of a kind.

Representing the religion of peace

Representing the religion of love

My hijab is for ME!!!