Assalamualaykum Parents,
Welcome to the new school year. I would warmly like to introduce myself. I am the new librarian, Ms. Nadia Moosa and I am delighted to have met most of your lovely children during their library lesson.
It has been an extremely busy start to the year. We have established the library at our new campus. Alhumdullilah, everything is now settled and we are enjoying our new routines in our new library space.
A gentle reminder to all parents to ensure that they remind their child to bring their library bags to school. This will help them borrow and look after our amazing books.
We urge you to share read with you child and enjoy that precious time together.
We are excited about some great library events coming up soon, namely the start of the Premiers’ Reading Challenge and the IBC Book Fair to mention a few.
Kind regards,
Ms Nadia Moosa
Library and Resources
Also in this Edition
28 February 2022