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We prepare graduates that are determined to achieve excellence in all that they do

Our vision is what brings our students, parents, staff and management together to work towards a common goal. Thus our vision is an ideal we cherish and actively work towards realizing.

Our Vision

"To have graduates who are well prepared and self motivated to advance Australia and to participate effectively as world citizens with Muslim values."


As part of working towards realising this vision, we are actively working on fulfilling the following nine objectives:

  1. To develop the curriculum for it to cater for the growing needs of our students.
  2. To widen the focus and scope of all our programs to go beyond local or regional aims and encompass global perspectives.
  3. To develop extra curricular programs that complement the core curriculum and encourage creativity, innovation, involvement in community service, participation in sports, and concern for environmental welfare.
  4. To develop and maintain a school environment where every student has the opportunity to learn to his/her fullest potential and to enjoy his/her school days without discrimination or undue pressures.
  5. To develop appropriate teaching practices and promote contemporary approaches to learning that encourage students to build self confidence and develop their talents and inner personal skills.
  6. To build in students the Muslim character that exemplifies Islamic manners and shows respect and tolerance to other opinions and appreciation to differing cultures.
  7. To develop and optimise educational opportunities, resources, and facilities to cope with all challenges brought about by the technology age.
  8. To improve and optimise working conditions for our employees and develop effective recruitment and selection procedures to attract and appoint excellent quality candidates, and:
  9. To develop and improve administrative and financial systems to facilitate efficient service delivery in a bid to achieve optimum results.